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Attendance Line: (505) 344-4389 ext. 54800

Albuquerque Public Schools believes that opportunities for Academic Success are enhanced when students are ON TIME and in all classes daily. Excessive absenteeism, regardless of the reason, will negatively impact student academic achievement. For this reason APS has adopted a new policy regarding student attendance. The focus of the new policy is on unexcused absences. However, excessive absences of any kind are of concern.

Unexcused Absences

  • No more than five unexcused absences per semester
  • No more than 10 unexcused absences per school year

5th Full Day Unexcused Absences

Mail parent letter indicating student is truant as per state Public Education Department

  • Student and parent must attend Truancy Prevention program at school
  • Review intervention strategies and revise as needed
  • Record absences and interventions on discipline record

10th Full Day Unexcused Absences

Mail parent 10th full day unexcused absence letter indicating student is a Habitual Truant as per state Public Education Department

  • Student will be referred to the APS Court Liaison
  • Absences and referrals are entered into student discipline records

Excused Absences

Excused Absences are as follows:

  • Doctor appointments
  • Religious commitment
  • Death in the family
  • Illness
  • Family emergency
  • Diagnostic testing
  • School or college visit

Please remember to call the school anytime your child is absent and indicate the reason for absence. Family vacations are considered unexcused absences, and it is expected that parents will schedule vacations during school breaks. Review the complete APS Attendance Policy.

Cell Phones and Personal Electronic Devices

Cell Phone Policy

The cell phone policy is in place at Taft Middle School to address concerns that are present when cell phones are allowed on campus. Concerns include: Disruption to the educational environment and learning process, theft of cell phones, misuse of phones - text messaging, calls, photos/videos, etc., Right to Privacy of students, staff, and visitors. Taft Middle School staff will not investigate incidents of theft or damage of these items.

At the start of each school day cell phones will be collected as students come onto campus. Internal procedures are in place for phones to be kept secure during the school day and released back to students at the end of the day.

We appreciate your support with making sure students have the best learning environment with limited distractions.

iPods and Other Electronic Devices

iPods and other electronic devices/MP3 players, computer games, etc. are not allowed on campus. These items create a disruption to the educational process. If brought to school, they will be confiscated and kept in the office until a parent or guardian picks them up. Bringing these items to school is a blatant violation of the discipline policy. Taft Middle School staff will not investigate incidents of theft or damage of these items.

Taft Middle School Dress Code

Taft Middle School will follow the APS dress code with slight modifications for the 2024-25 school year. Please refer to the 2024-25 Taft Handbook for detailed information.